Hello friends! In our mission to continually be educated as best we can about Kylie's 1 in a million disease (Pulmonary Hypertension) and surround ourselves with community who has shared experiences, insights, and advice, we are sending Suzanne to the PH Association's Conference at the end of June. Kylie may soon be switching medications and we'd love to learn more about them from the best in the medical field and talk with parents of children who have used them.
To alleviate some of the financial burden, we are only sending Suzanne (since the kids would be put into a conference day care all day) and her parents will be coming down to watch the kids so Ethan can continue to work. We have already received some donations so we only need $800. That's only $50 from 16 people! If you would like to donate and be a part of Kylie's and our continuing story, we would be so incredibly grateful. To avoid charges from crowd funding sites, we are just using personal transactions.
Feel free to share and forward to anyone who may be interested