Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The beginning...

[Originally written 8/18/2014]

Dear friends and family:

On a follow-up ultrasound today, we learned that our third little one has a heart irregularity, specifically, an arrhythmia (the valves aren't beating in sync). The cause will be a mystery until she's born, but what's apparent is that going the full 40 weeks is no longer an option. Getting to term at 37 weeks (September 13th)  is optimistic. The doctors are going to be monitoring Suzanne and the little one 4 times a week until the delivery. If the arrhythmia/symptoms deteriorate, they'll admit Suzanne for delivery right away so that they can start treating the baby in the special care unit.

The possible outcomes for the new baby range from very frightening to not that great. From a human standpoint, the future of our little one could be very bleak. But the doctor did mention -- every so briefly -- the possibility that this could miraculously go away, now or after she's born. Since we know that God is her maker and her healer and is not limited by ultrasounds and textbooks and the literature, we're writing you so that you can pray for the rare but so possible miraculous occurrence: that this arrhythmia disappears, and that she comes out perfectly healthy. We believe in praying big to give God an opportunity to show up big. Please pray with us!

In addition to prayer, Suzanne needs your spiritual support -- verses of encouragement, attributes of God, compact/simple truths powerfully stated -- to give her tools to distract her from the dark thoughts she's struggling with right now. She's had a very hard time with this pregnancy already, and she's having trouble holding onto truth and having faith and hope, and needs her tribe to do those things for her right now. Even just a simple text would help!

Finally, we're desperate and overwhelmed just with everyday life, and so some dear friends of ours have set up a helps calendar where people can sign up to come help us, whether watching the kids, giving Suzanne a ride, doing shopping, etc. If you'd like to see that calendar so that you can sign up, please let me know and I'll send the details.

We know Jesus will see us through this, through you, our tribe. Suzanne once said it felt like when her own heart couldn't beat anymore, her tribe's heart would beat for her. Well, now we need the tribe's heart to beat in rhythm for our little one. Thank you for your love.

Please feel free to share this with friends and family.


Ethan, Suzanne, Morgan, Sean, & Baby

Photo by Griffin Joy Photography

We belong to a tribe called Mosaic that lives by faith, is known by love, and is a voice of hope. 

The calendar our dear friends set up is Lotsa Helping Hands and has an app.

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