Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Update #2

[Originally written 9/8/2014]

Hello, dear friends and family!

We had another ultrasound today, and since the big improvement we told you about recently, the baby has been staying at status quo -- even incremental improvement. But after discussing options with the 2 specialists that have been working with us -- who are quite pleased that our little is one "full term" (37 weeks) -- we are going to go ahead and induce next Monday (Sept 15). 7 days! 6, if you're reading this Tuesday! :)

Once our little one arrives, the next steps are highly dependent on how she does. There will be a team of 4 from pediatrics that, after Suzanne meets the baby, will do their initial assessment. If she is pink, crying, breathing and her heart rate seems good, they will do a "delayed NICU transfer" and she can stay with Suzanne in the delivery room for 30-60 minutes. After that, they will take her to the NICU, give her an echocardiogram, and run some other tests to try and determine the cause of the cardiomyopathy and potential treatment. (Or they'll find her perfectly healthy and be astounded. :) )

If she arrives and is not doing well, Suzanne will get to meet her and then the team will take her straight to the NICU. Either way, Ethan will head down there with her, and she'll remain there as long as she needs.
We are still praying and believing that God has big things for her and us; we pray for our Miracle #PlanA that she baffles everyone at the miracle she is.

So we have just 7 days until we leave this part of our very trying journey and jump head first into something even more unknown. Exactly what Ethan's and my days will look like post-birth is up in the air. The NICU is open almost 24 hours, so Suzanne may be spending a lot of time at the hospital while her parents watch Morgan & Sean, with Ethan taking later shifts or morning shifts -- we're just not sure. While Suzanne's parents will be in town starting this Friday, with the uncertainty of the schedule, we can still use all the help at the house we can get -- childcare, food, playdates -- whatever you're up for. :)

In addition, some of you have asked us if there's anything we could use beyond daily needs. In answer, we've put together a tiny little registry on Amazon for a few things. Check it out only if you want to!

Also, thank you so much to those of you who have sent Suzanne encouraging verses and messages to help her through these dark times. Even if she hasn't responded, she's read all of them, and they are helping. She's improving day by day -- I (Ethan) can see it happening, and so can other friends, who have mentioned how good and happy Suzanne has looked recently. Thank you for your continued support for her!

We have been so blessed by our tribe -- some driving minutes and others many miles to watch the kids; bringing food and cheer; and just loving and praying for us. 
We couldn't have done this -- can't do this -- without you all. You have been God's hands and arms to catch us and carry us, and we are eternally grateful. We love you and can't wait to share this little miracle with our tribe!! #PlanA!

Much love,

Ethan, Suzanne, Morgan, Sean, & Baby

We belong to a tribe called Mosaic that lives by faith, is known by love, and is a voice of hope. 

The calendar our dear friends set up is Lotsa Helping Hands and has an app.

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